Horizon Health

Primary Contact:
Rhonda Hughes, MCJFS
P: (606) 675-2030
E: rhughes@horizonhealthky.org

Welcome to Horizon Employment Services! We are glad you've chosen to utilize our services to further your career and life goals! We look forward to your successful completion of our employment readiness courses!

Please review and complete the below mandatory courses. Once completed, you must print, complete and email back the accompanying pre/post-exams (mandatory for each individual course). Each pre-test is intended to gauge your current skill set while the post-test is intend to gauge skill attainment. Upon review, you will be issued a certificate of completion indicating you have completed the Work Readiness Program!

  1. O*Net Interest Profiler (must be completed first)
  2. Maintaining a Workplace and Sobriety (Horizon Health Title)
  3. Managing Credit Wisely (Life Skills Series)
  4. Resumes and Cover Letters
  5. Make Yourself Heard! Professional Communication Skills (Successful Soft Skills Strategies)
  6. Interviewing Strategies
  7. Money Management & Budgeting

In addition to the above required classes, you will find many elective classes available for you to choose from. These classes should be explored upon completion of all required course materials. You are not required to complete any elective classes.

ATTENTION!   All course materials require the use of Adobe Acrobat Reader. This software can be downloaded and installed to your computer for free by visiting, https://get.adobe.com/reader/ and following the prompts.


This site and its contents were designed to provide users easy access to assigned digital programming resources. To access and view a  resource, please hover your cursor over the appropriate program title, cover image or hyperlink and click your mouse.

Users are authorized to access and view all programming materials. However, sharing or further dissemination of these materials beyond their intended purpose, may result in immediate termination of site privileges. All materials are covered under United States Copyright law and misuse may be subject to legal action.

This page is reserved for users granted access through their involvement in programming with Horizon Health. If you are viewing this page in error, please notify us immediately through our Contact Us page.

O*Net Interest Profiler

The O*NET INTEREST PROFILER, a vocational interest assessment, provides users with an accurate, reliable profile of vocational interests that help identify work-related interests, focuses career search activities, and enables the linkage of vocational interests to real-world occupations.

The O*NET INTEREST PROFILER takes approximately 25 minutes to complete.

Pre / Post-Test (Fillable Answer Sheet)

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Maintaining a Workplace and Sobriety

It is not uncommon for adults to experience stress at work especially when dealing with sales quotas, project deadlines and demanding clients. While it is difficult for anyone in this situation, those in addiction recovery face the unique challenge of leaving the stress in the workplace and refraining from turning to drugs or alcohol to cope. Maintaining a Workplace and Sobriety was created to help those in recovery to maintain sobriety without having to quit their demanding job.

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Managing Credit Wisely

Provides assistance making smart credit decisions. This title offers advice and guidance on the use and misuse of credit, how to choose the best card for your needs, understanding loans, and the importance of a strong credit rating. It also provides debt management solutions, assistance understanding your consumer rights, and simple steps to guard against identity theft.

Pre / Post-Test

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Resumes and Cover Letters

Provides assistance understanding the process of writing a resume. This title covers resume basics, types of resumes, fine-tuning, cover letters, and establishing a positive online presence.

Pre / Post-Test

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Make Yourself Heard! Professional Communication Skills

The Successful Soft Skills Strategies program helps individuals develop the critical soft skills needed for getting hired quickly, being career ready, and staying employed. This workbook, Make Yourself Heard: Professional Communication, explores how to:

–  Become a powerful communicator.

–  Assess communication skills.

–  Overcome common communication barriers.

Pre / Post-Test

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Interviewing Strategies

To help job seekers move beyond their employment barriers, we've sourced the below three documents to assist you in preparing for participation in a mock interview via Zoom.

  1. Interview Preparation Guide
  2. Interview Reflection Worksheet
  3. Interview Self Assessment Worksheet

Pre / Post-Test​ (not available)

Money Management & Budgeting

Provides assistance managing one’s financial future. This title offers​advice and guidance on budgeting, calculating net worth, establishing a bank account, balancing a checkbook, and financing appropriate purchases. It also outlines the basics of establishing credit and achieving economic security.

Pre / Post-Test

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